Committee of the Whole
January 30, 2017, 6:00 PM.
Municipal Building - Assembly Chambers

Special Joint Worksession with the Planning Commission

A.January 9, 2017 Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes
A.Planning Priorities
  • Comp Plan update / overhaul
  • Downtown plan expectations and relationship to Main Street USA, Docks & Harbors plan, Front & Franklin, Willoughby District, etc...
  • Other neighborhood plans


B.Title 49 updates
  • Process: parking waivers example
  • In work: variances, eagles, stream side setbacks, etc...
C.Ordinance 2016-26 An Ordinance Amending the Land Use Code Relating to Access Standards.

The primary purpose of this ordinance is to create a new access option for subdivisions. If approved, the shared private access option would exempt lots in certain subdivisions from the requirement that lots have frontage on a public right of way, and instead allow the lots to be accessed via private shared access located in a private easement.  Private shared access ways would be maintained solely by the homeowners. 


In August, 2015, the Assembly directed staff to codify the existing practice of allowing shared access. Since then, Community Development staff has been working with the Subdivision Review Committee, a subcommittee of the Planning Commission, the Public Works and Engineering Department, the Fire Department, the Law Department, and the Planning Commission to develop the proposed changes.


On October 25, 2016, the Planning Commission, at a regular public meeting, adopted the analysis and findings listed in the Community Development Department’s staff report and recommended that the City and Borough Assembly adopt staff's recommendation for approval, with changes.  


This ordinance was introduced at the November 7, 2016 Assembly meeting and referred to the November 21, 2016 Committee of the Whole meeting. At that meeting it was referred to the January 9, 2017 Committee of the Whole meeting and was continued for additional consideration at this January 30, 2017 meeting. No date for a public hearing and Assembly action has been set.


The ”strikethrough” version of 2016-26 included in your packet shows the changes (in italics) made by the Planning Commission at its last Commission meeting from the version of the ordinance as it was originally presented.  Those changes are discussed in the November 3,2016, memo, also attached. 

D.Ordinance 2016-43 An Ordinance Amending the Land Use Code Relating to Sobering Centers and Emergency Shelters.

This ordinance would amend the Land Use Code with respect to sobering facilities by amending the Table of Permissible Uses to identify the use, defining the term, and by providing for minimum parking requirements.  Additionally, the ordinance would define "emergency shelters" as one type of assisted living facility.


The Planning Commission considered this ordinance on November 10 and December 27, 2016, and recommended it be moved forward to the Assembly for adoption.  


One small change has been made to the ordinance as approved by the Commission. The definition of 'emergency shelter' was modified to apply to temporary accommodations for  'homeless persons'  instead of 'displaced persons.'   The reason for this change was to clarify CDD's intention that the definition of 'emergency shelter' not be interpreted to include emergency lodging and shelter needed in the event of a disaster.


This ordinance was introduced at the January 9, 2017 Assembly meeting and referred to the Assembly Committee of the Whole. No date for a public hearing and Assembly action has been set.

A.CLIAA Litigation Update

ADA accommodations available upon request: Please contact the Clerk's office 72 hours prior to any meeting so arrangements can be made to have a sign language interpreter present or an audiotape containing the Assembly's agenda made available. The Clerk's office telephone number is 586-5278, TDD 586-5351, e-mail: