Item Coversheet


Ordinance 2013-11(AA) An Ordinance Appropriating To The Manager The Sum Of $150,000 As A Transfer To The Last Chance Basin Hydro-Geo Capital Project; Funding Provided By Water Utility Fund Fund Balance.


This ordinance would transfer $150,000 to the Last Chance Basin Hydro-Geo capital project from the Water Utility Fund fund balance. This transfer will partially fund the design for the rehabilitation of the Last Chance Basin Well Field in order to meet peak drinking water demands that occur in the summer months. This demand is largely driven by the desire of cruise ships to fill up with drinking water while in our port.

This past summer, the Water Utility was unable to supply cruise ships with a stable or predictable water supply. Last month, staff from Engineering, Public Works and Manager’s Office met with cruise ship representatives to discuss the issue. Well field rehabilitation is a priority of the Water Utility, Assembly and cruise industry. At that meeting, there was support from the industry representatives to use CBJ Marine Passenger Fees for well field rehabilitation and T-949, which was approved at the November 25, 2013 Assembly meeting, transfering $150,000 from the Waterfront Seawalk CIP to the Last Chance Basin CIP. With the addition of this appropriation, $300,000 will be available.

The $300,000 is an initial amount of funds to develop a design and assist in aligning us with funding sources to maintain the main CBJ water supply. This preparatory funding leverages us to react quickly if and when grants, loans, CBJ marine passenger fees, or Legislative and/or State marine passenger fee funding becomes available in the Spring of 2014, instead of having to wait another whole year.

At its November 18, 2013 meeting, the Public Works and Facilities Committee reviewed this request and recommended forwarding to the full Assembly for approval. 


I recommend this ordinance be introduced and set for public hearing at the next regular Assembly meeting.

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Ordinance 2013-11(AA)12/12/2013By-Laws